I lived in Dartmouth, N.S., until my early 20s, when I moved 'overseas' to Halifax — My Piece for CBC East Coast’s “all in”
What felt most authentic to me was an exploration of the feeling of being emotionally anchored here—and knowing that I’ll always come back.

I was invited to share my story and my feelings about living on Canada’s East Coast for CBC East Coast’s “all in” newsletter. What felt most authentic to me was an exploration of the feeling of being emotionally anchored here—and knowing that I’ll always come back.
“My dreams rarely take place in the house I live in now — the one I bought with my wife, where we live with our dog and spend most of our time. Usually, my dreams take place in my childhood home, even as my memory of it fades and the picture gets increasingly distorted.
Perhaps my mind will always consider that small Dartmouth duplex, where we lived on one side and my aunt and uncle and cousins lived on the other, as my one true home.”